Answering the most common questions about KFAC.
100%. Part of our engagement process is to understand your context and aspirations and modify standard programs to your exact needs. Additionally at our "integration chat", we will explore behaviour frameworks and language you already use with students so our facilitation crew can use that language from the get go. See our Engagement Methodology
No, but you can if you want to. The KFA Camp team is available to fully or partially facilitate sessions.
Even better, you get morning tea as well.
Between 30-75 minutes, depending on where you come from.
Kinglake Forest Adventures Camp is one of the safest forest based camps in Victoria from a bushfire perspective. Whilst the facility is in a high risk area as many camps are, it is the below four points that makes the difference. KFAC is a fully ACA accredited campsite with all the required and audited processes that that accreditation entails, including emergency management plans.
Note these key points:
- We are one of the closest of all campsites to Melbourne being just 13 minutes away from Whittlesea in Melbourne’s Northern suburbs. As a result car or coach evacuation is very quick.
- ALL KFAC buildings were built in 2011 to Bushfire Attack Level 29 – a very high standard
- Our safe haven area is just 400M away and is a 50 Hectare totally un-treed and year-round market garden farm.
- We have a standing evacuation standby plan with Panorama Coaches based in Diamond Creek about 35 min away. If required the coaches are available at any hour.
Other measures/practices that relate to safety on hot days:
- We subscribe to CFA alerts and monitor them in our office and kitchen 24/7.
- The temperature in Kinglake is usually 4 deg cooler than in Melbourne due to altitude
- We conduct nearly all activities in shaded areas
- We constantly remind participants to be hydrated and sun-smart
- Our main buildings are fully air-conditioned.